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Old 6th September 2022, 02:08 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Edster View Post
A very intriguing question. My take is as you say swords were mainly used as symbols of authority and power. But no widely used in combat other than maybe anecdotal accounts. As we know the traditional Native American material culture and tool kit, including weapons, was derived from natural materials; wood, reeds, stone, flint, shells, animal skins, etc and not ferrous metals.
It should be noted that the Tlingit people were forging their own blades from ferrous material at least as early a the 18th century. Before the introduction of steel (either through trade or salvage) they used copper for their blades. There are even known use meteorite as a material for forging blades.
While these were generally dagger length, some of these daggers were as long a short swords (20" or more). They had knives and daggers that were mostly ceremonial, but also made blades meant for fighting and everyday uses.
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