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Old 5th September 2022, 02:17 AM   #1
Ren Ren
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Default Koryak knife from Kamchatka

Such knives are quite rare - I had a chance to see them only once, at the ethnographic festival in 2007. I received this knife recently and I want to introduce my forum colleagues to it.
In the north of Kamchatka, near the border with the Magadan region, there is a small village called Paren, which has been known for its blacksmithing for over 100 years. The first scientific report about it was left by Vladimir (Waldemar) Jochelson, who visited it in 1900-1901 as part of the famous Jesup North Pacific expedition. I do not know how much of the research has been published in English, but Jochelson's ethnographic collections are divided between the American Museum of Natural History, New York and the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) in St. Petersburg, Russia. There are Koryak knives from Paren.
My object is similar to a tourist one, but it is not a tourist one - firstly, the village of Paren is far from tourist routes, and secondly, there are traces of active use on the blade. The length of the blade is 165 mm (another 5 mm of the tip is broken off), the width is 31 mm, the thickness is 5 mm. The total length of the knife is 285 mm. Sheath 235 mm. I will be happy to answer any questions that come up.
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