30th August 2022, 04:04 PM
Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 157
Originally Posted by kronckew
Blade length, weights, balance point info, and full length pics would help. The backsword one is more side sword than rapier looking, I'd guess it's the shorter one too. And I could be wrong. The double-edged one looks more rapier-ish, and the markings on the forte deserve close-ups. close-ups of the blade tips would also help. They could be repurposed blades with more decorative Victorian revival hilts, or, I suspect, maybe older than you think. But not really my area of expertise, tho I like them a lot, tho that may change with more info  .
Did some measurements and took some more pictures. The blade length till ricasso is 9350mm. Point of balance 280mm from top of pommel. The length of the fuller is 700mm. No markings visible. The blade is sharp on both edges.
Last edited by cel7; 30th August 2022 at 04:17 PM.