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Old 29th August 2022, 09:55 AM   #14
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 1,262

I am afraid, even Empu not always give us the consistency in their work we expect from them, and that includes Greneng. Overall form of it will be recognisable but parts of it, even Dha, can vary.

This looks like a quite late work by Djeno, where the biggest part if not all work already was done by his apprentices. In Western art, since around 1880, we distinguish between Rubens, Rubens and workshop, and workshop of Rubens in paintings. I doubt we will see this level in Kerisology, and I also doubt its expected, useful and necessary.

I am afraid to say, that even Keris by Djeno can turn up in a gun show or flea market. That all depends on heirs, and things can go very quickly. Value is a very fleeting and unstable category.
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