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Old 29th August 2022, 01:27 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Battara View Post
Kai I agree with your dating of the blade. My nearly identical blade has lamination, and thus I would put mine at a little earlier.

Xasterix, I would agree that this type of peening or nail is Tagalog.
Thanks for the response sir Jose!

If you would allow me some topic deviation already- I'm curious regarding the monosteel / laminated impact on age estimation. As I understand- there was an archaic kris or two that was discussed here before as being monosteel. I've also encountered an archaic kris (it looked exactly like small forum samples) that, when it was etched, also yielded monosteel. Another instance that I remember- I had a barung with carabao-horn sleeve, large junggayan pommel, and chop-mark that surprisingly yielded monosteel.

In light of these samples, perhaps it can be assumed that certain locations with resourceful panday/artisan outfits had early access to monosteel? As I understand, monosteel is superior to laminated steel in terms of resilience and overall quality (thus if it was available, it would be prized by the pandays of old).
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