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Old 27th August 2022, 02:32 AM   #4
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

I agree with Jose that the blade and scabbard are Maguindanao.

Blade looks turn of the century to early 20th c. to me (a close-up of the base of the blade taken exactly vertical from the plane of the blade really helps).

I doubt that this is a peened tang though: While it is possible they extended the original tang, this looks more like a nail holding the pommel plate and washer IMHO. Xas, can you possibly sense with a really strong magnet?

The hilt looks like Filipino work but could as well be US/European (that's quite a big piece of stag). Ferrule is Moro. The rope/knot work on the scabbard most likely being added by an US service man or later owner.

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