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Old 27th August 2022, 01:31 AM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2021
Posts: 108
Default What is the shortest blade you all have encountered on a shashka?

I'm sure some of my recent threads have revealed my mild fixation on swords with shorter than normal or cut-down blades. I love them but I have a real devil of a time finding them sometimes. A shashka with a short little blade is something that has been a long time want and was almost (sort of) fulfilled when a year or two ago there was a seller on ebay selling what appeared to be a two fullered bedouin sabre with what looked like a 16 inch blade which was clearly reduced from it's original length due to the fullers continuing all the way to the tip. I have a picture that came from another thread that appears to depict a shorter than average blade on a shashka hilt (#650). Is there a proper name for this type of weapon? Do any exist? I've never seen anything of this description talked about before on the forum. I don't want to seem like a collector of photographs, but sometimes just seeing an obscure sword/dagger/knife in a picture gives me hope that someday I might encounter one in the wild. Like always I would love to see some examples if anyone has something like what I've described.
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