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Old 23rd August 2022, 01:06 PM   #13
kronckew's Avatar
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Location: Room 101, Glos. UK
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Cool, I especially like the Archery target, I've read that villages compete shooting at them from a few hundred yards points are scored for hitting close, or hitting 5the board, more for hitting dead centre. Festive boozy occasions, and the women take turns scathingly berating the men from the other village and insulting their skills. Sometimes they shoot from one village to the target field on the other, across ravines from each other too.

Bows are made from bamboo sections, overlapped in the centre (as in your pics) & are rather high poundage. Archery is the national sport & They do well at the Olympics.

My Ban short sword, a basic one. it's a razor, and quite heavy, hairpin laminated steel. One of my favourites. Some members here have much fancier ones...I gather they come from the Bhutan region near nepal/tibet who buy them as well. I have a small Bhutanese dossum as well. It has the Bhutan Dragon emblem, the ones they make for Tibet are decorated without the dragon, more florally, I've been told.
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