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Old 14th June 2006, 09:06 PM   #1
Tim Simmons
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Question Origins of the term temple dha?

This question has been niggling me for some time, so much so I have to air it. There is something about the term temple dha that I find a bit, I am not looking for a fight, but I have to say a bit collector-ish. Who came up with this term? Is there recorded and photographic evidence that there is such a thing, if so I will bite my tongue. I bring this up as I have a dha knife that to me is a fighting knife without doubt. It differs from the standard "temple dha" in several ways. The blade is shorter, it has a clipped or false edge, no story picture, and very different style pommel. I would be keen to hear dha news.
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Last edited by Tim Simmons; 14th June 2006 at 09:18 PM.
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