Thread: Chimera sword??
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Old 20th August 2022, 01:48 AM   #6
Jim McDougall
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In India, during the Raj, at durbars especially those of significant note, there were local armorers and artisans who created all manner of innovative weapons to showcase their skills or simply to offer unusual items. Many of the weapons are of course the traditional forms, but these kinds of items were unusual enough to attract attention.

It is hard to say how old this assembly is, but the use of a horn of the type seen on fakirs weapons, along with a blade which resembles the Indian blades somewhat of 'pattisa' form suggests something from India of course.
The brass guard and scribed quillon terminals adds European element.

Regardless of how modern, this seems an example of the tradition of edged weapon curiosa which prevailed through the Indian Raj in displays of the work of various makers.
Whether it is of that vintage and character is indeed a 'chimera', but intriguing just the same.
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