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Old 17th August 2022, 03:37 PM   #28
Interested Party
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Originally Posted by kronckew View Post
It was a joke response to 'interested party's previous post's request.

He wanted to see a story, so I made up a cheeky story for him. It is of course a 20c villager ginunting made by Jun Silva in the Philippines. About as far from the Carolinas as possible.

Still, would have worked well in the swamps & woods there, better than Mel Gibson's tomahawk (in the Patriot) I suspect. (It's one of the sharpest blades I own)
I'm not looking a story, but an example with providence. It was checky though. Natty Bumppo was a Vermonter, a different ethnic group, and an English apologist, not a Jacobite refugee. If I remember correctly Cooper had to flee the US for a time as his political views were unpopular, but a man ahead of his time in that England and US eventually developed a "special" relationship a hundred years later and archeological evidence gave his books view of the French Indian war validity after nearly a hundred years of it being considered over the top in the description of the collateral damage incurred to the frontier settlements.

And yes, this blade would have worked well in underbrush and swamps. It looks like a chisel edge that would produce a very smooth cut on the backhand stroke for a right hander. Like a broad ax or a slicker chisel. A little forward curve for vines and a sharpened false edge allowing clever falso dritto and montante sotto mano cuts. As a utility blade I have wondered if the blade was wrapped in cloth, leather, or leaves so it could be gripped near the false edge, and the false edge then could be used to skin animals? Off in the ethno weeds here.

Who knows maybe these ideas will grow in my mind. Looking for these short swords and Scottish basket hilts in the Carolinas could be for me what the espada ancha and verdadera destreza are for Mr. McDougall.
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