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Old 16th August 2022, 04:04 AM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2021
Posts: 108
Default Knife that might be related to a Lew Waldman piece

I recently purchased this knife (third image, plain unwrapped handle) and was immediately reminded of two pieces I have seen before. One was a larger knife that sold on eBay back in 2020 and if my memory serves me right it was described as a bring back from the second World War, the second was in the Lew Waldman estate archive at the very bottom listed as being of "unknown origin". I have no further useful input to offer for these knives, to me at least nothing in their construction or appearance seems traceable to a particular region or time period. But I suppose it is now important to note that Lew's knife was not a one-off and there are more of this type to be found. If anyone has similar examples feel free to share them here.
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