Thread: Tenegre?
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Old 11th August 2022, 02:06 AM   #5
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Default Thanks for the Info & Comments

drac2, kai, Rick,

Let me say that my wife got as good as she gave because she is now the very happy owner of the finest 19th century French navaja I have ever seen.
I am glad to know that it is a tenegre and even more pleased with the possibility that it is pre WWII.
I am going to leave the cord wrap in place. It isn't part of the original culture but it is now part of the history of the blade. Also, it is well done and may actually serve to protect the sheath from damage.
I am also happy to know that everybody has a higher opinion of its combat worthiness. Because I am a big fan of sturdy, maybe I am being too harsh.
The mark by the hilt isn't a maker's mark, it's just a forge mark.
This is a really special blade in my collection, both for what it represents as a gift and for the beauty that it has.

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