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Old 10th August 2022, 04:03 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by milandro View Post
These are videos by the University Putra Malaysia , subtitled in English (!) , they are lectures held by Professor Doctor Abdul Muati of the UPM, he seems to be associated to the Languages department and his, I think, a communication expert.

I don’t know which , if any, his specific credentials are with Krises but in this context there are very few academic videos and lectures on krises culture. Of course he offers a personal and a Malay perspective to this.

Although many may know most of this already, some us may be interested in these videos and of course as customary on this and any other forum, some others will disagree with the speaker.

some may know them already
Thanks Milandro. Yes, i have certainly come across this gentleman's videos before. Some may likely have been posted here before.
As you have stated, i am also unsure of what his credentials are regarding keris knowledge, so even if these videos are produced or sanctioned by a university i am not quite sure if they can be viewed as "academic" knowledge. Most of what he has to say about keris is very Malay/Peninsula-centric. Nothing wrong with that. Though even in that culture some might find a few of his comments at least questionable. And many of the things he suggests would probably be considered "incorrect" for Javanese or Balinese cultures. So everything must be viewed in proper perspective here. Centainly worth a watch for those wishing to understand certain keris customs of the Peninsula.
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