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Old 9th August 2022, 02:19 AM   #13
Jim McDougall
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Ed thank you for this response which is in line with the 'key' suggestion I had noted. The interesting variation in geometric combinations really does present a degree of plausibility to comparison with these, but that seems to pretty much fall into the same reach as with the Agadez crosses. In both cases these items seem more in line with magic and talismans.

My idea toward a key was more in a metaphoric sense, in the theosophy of important tribal figures, such as a key (no pun intended) to the secrets or understanding of religious dogma. I suppose what I am suggesting is in the sense of Masonic ritual and levels, here noting that with the Shengeti kaskara, he was a Grand Master.
That however would not explain the same enigma symbol on the takoubas which are in entirely different cultural sphere. What does transcend these tribal differences is of course religion.

So turning to the religion, most all of Air and these regions, the Tuareg are followers of the Maliki sect of Sunni Islam. This following exists also in Sudan, and while the law is set by Maliki doctrine there have developed followings in Sufi which seem to have been able to co-exist in Niger so probably in other regions also.
Clearly this area is far outside my knowledge, but it seems possible that such a symbol might have a metaphoric meaning in these areas of religious significance.
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