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Old 2nd August 2022, 06:02 PM   #8
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Join Date: Feb 2018
Posts: 90

Thank you all for the positive responses!

In regards to Ian's comment: I suppose it is true that without our most vocal members here things will probably be relatively quiet. In hindsight, there really isn't that much to add on to this here other than to perhaps have a discussion about whether or not "the community" should adopt this term.
-My take, for the record, would be that the term should at least be recognized, given that the Laz are the most well known users of these swords. I also think "xami" is a cooler word for knife than "bichaq", but that's just personal preference

Other than that, I have to admit that these Didi Xami are rather out of my area of expertise. I quite like them as aesthetically beautiful - and theoretically quite deadly - swords (my first antique actually was a laz sword), however aside from that I know very little about the intricacies of Caucasian and Caucasia-adjacent cultures. As such, I don't mean to try and forfit my role in this discovery here, but merely to express that I don't have an entire thesis-worth of information to provide beyond what I initially posted.

Perhaps sometime in the future, when I next find myself haphazardly googling things about laz culture, I'll use my young person internet skills to try and find some laz forum or social media group that I can inquire further about these swords on. Or simply ask them what they would call a sword lol.
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