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Old 30th July 2022, 08:16 PM   #4
Join Date: Sep 2021
Posts: 108

The smallest barung I have seen had a 12 inch blade, but if I remember correctly it looked quite recently made. With small old barung, is it possible that they were made for children. The handles of the smaller ones in the photo seem to be noticeably smaller than the grips of the regular sized barung, although that could just be a case of smaller weapons not needing a normal sized handle. As for that curved sword, I know there are Collins machetes with more curved blades, the 376 and the 191 come to mind. The blade form of this sword is very different compared to the aforementioned machetes. I couldn't think of it in my initial post but I now see that, at least the blade, resembles a parang nabur.
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