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Old 28th July 2022, 10:45 PM   #5
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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To the point, while it seems Suhl was primarily a gun making location, from 'what we can see' this image seems of another weapon form. The 'hen' markings seem of some variation and seem to have been used on other items such as ceramics, but the SVL cartouche seems consistent on the barrels forged in Suhl.

From Wallace Collection (Mann, 1962) examples, the guns of wheel lock form etc seem to be in many cases composites, and often components seen with Suhl components have spurious dates, as well as stocks made as late as 19th c in the 16th c. style.

While I cannot make out what kind of weapon this is, my guess would be a bayonet ......clearly the guessing game without context is rather pointless.
If we know what kind of weapon we are assessing a mark from, we can check resources covering that weapon form.
This becomes apparent as I checked a book on edged weapon markings, there was nothing on Suhl.

Interesting markings though, the SVL in an arched cartouche seems different.
The hen symbol for the Thuringian principality of Henneberg.

Now can we take off the blindfolds?
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