Originally Posted by ariel
Length does not count because hunting weapons ( Hirschfangers etc. had longer blades). BTW, I cited published examples of Oriental predecessors of " Russian" weapons. You might look at them.
Sorry, I have to repeat the question:
Originally Posted by Mercenary
Could you please show similar Oriental daggers?
Originally Posted by ariel
Just to simplify it for you: show me a bladed weapon that is attributable to Russia just by a quick glance.
I have already tried to explain to you in several topics that it is impossible to study the history and history of weapons in particular using "a quick glance". You should know this from your medical practice. Analyzes, additional researches, consultations of other experts are necessary. You can't learn weapons just by flipping through picture albums. This is unacceptable, this is a profanity.

You can read in Russian. To begin with, I can recommend to you the academic work of А.Н.Кирпичников "Древнерусское оружие" (A.N.Kirpichnikov "Old Russian weapons"). You will understand that weapons cannot be considered separately, taken out of the cultural and historical context. Weapons are always associated with an era, costume, decorative art, ritual, etc. Examining individual items with a quick glance - this approach is characteristic of a collector or dealer: he went to the counter, chose and bought something. Science works differently.
You, instead of understanding what real Russian knives looked like, argue with me, but buy fake ones.