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Old 23rd July 2022, 10:07 AM   #5
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

To a degree I do agree with what you have written, Jean, and I think you have probably identified precisely the reason why I personally think it might be a very good idea to open this topic up to public discussion.

One of the things that has caused me to start thinking about this and to weigh the pros & cons of public discussion is that I have become aware of several gentlemen with an internet presence who are taking advantage of this lack of understanding that does seem to exist with many keris interested people.

The essence of keris belief in esoteric & arcane characteristics & powers is not really all that different from similar beliefs in other cultures & societies. If we are aware of the things that might be so, then it becomes easier for us to identify those things that are just plain old lies dressed in Javanese or other exotic adornments.

Yes, it is true that I have had very lengthy instruction from several acknowledged authorities in Jawa, but apart from that I have also had, and continue to have, very close personal contact with several of my own relatives who do have acknowledged gifts.

Some things are real.

Other things are not.

For a person who has somewhere between no understanding and very little understanding it is difficult to determine just what might be real, and what might be, let us say, just snake oil.

My thoughts were that a free exchange of beliefs, opinions, experiences, and perhaps a little knowledge, might help those who have heard stories and who cherish hopes, but who do not yet have the foundation of understanding.
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