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Old 22nd July 2022, 09:37 AM   #24
Tordenskiold1721's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 71

Your sword could very well be original. When keeping in mind that rust over centuries don't always look the same when taking metal surgical science into account. An item picked up from a river that has been encrusted in clay, or rusted in dirt were density, temperature and humidity has a lot to say on how old steel and iron corrodes and looks after 100 or over 1000 years.

Unfortunately this forum seems to have a "gang up" approach if one member out of the blue suggest "copy" based on nothing. Yes its harsh words but fact.

You have some very knowable members here but also "Trolls" that is not being moderated. My apology for speaking factual truth. But the truth matter.

Your sword is worth more research and you can have a test taken of the metal and have it dated.
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