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Old 1st July 2022, 08:12 PM   #8
Join Date: Aug 2017
Location: Lancashire, England
Posts: 45

mahratt, ariel, Jim,

Thanks for your comments and for your thorough summary of the work behind the proper identification of the source of these swords, Jim.

When I first saw this sword it reminded me of something I'd seen on the website: This included a link to a sword in the British Museum that was collected in Morocco and presented to the museum in 1892:

It was only when I saw discussions on here from years ago, proving the sword's home to be in the Trabzon region that I understood why African Arms called it a Black Sea Yataghan.

Is it unusual that a weapon native to the eastern Black Sea should have a few examples emerging out of North Africa? Is it possible that some copies of the original design were made in North Africa, or is my imagination getting the better of me?
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