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Old 10th June 2022, 05:06 PM   #2
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Well, the date is clearly visible in the pictures and they do list it as 19th century, so perhaps what they're saying is that the gold decorations were re-applied in modern times?

Something about the curvature seems a bit too circular though. Compare to the one listed right next to it:

Decorations aside, that blade shape looks much more typical to me. It is much straighter throughout the first half or so of the blade. And the steel of the one in the OP looks unusually mirror-polished compared to other kilij I've seen - although I'm far from an expert. Could it be a western European made mamluk saber? Although the scabbard fittings do look Ottoman to me.

Last edited by werecow; 10th June 2022 at 05:26 PM.
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