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Old 31st May 2022, 04:43 PM   #9
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Default Listen to this, guys.

Traditionally, the main objective of these devices was to breake and destroy the rigging and masts of enemy ships. However these projectiles were also used on land, where they had a devastating effect on cavalry and infantry.
According to the American historian, Albert C. Manucy, there is an account from the beginning of the 18th century, which mentions a failed attempt to use a shackle bullet, in which instead of inserting the two bullets into the same artillery piece, each of the two bullets was inserted into two different cannons, arranged side by side, with the chain partially from outside.
The objective of this experimental maneuver was to cancel the rotation effect characteristic of chained bullets and shackle bullets, so that the bullets would be fired in a straight line, with the chain stretched to the maximum. In this way, the firing would be more stable and accurate and, therefore, it would be possible to increase the effectiveness of this type of ammunition, as anti-infantry projectiles. However, this experiment was unsuccessful, as the artillery pieces were not able to fire at the same time, which caused the bullet that was fired first to revolve around the cannon that had not yet fired, wrapping itself in it and destroying it, having still catching and tangling with the current all the troops that were around.
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