Thread: Sword from ?
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Old 16th May 2022, 01:40 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by kronckew View Post
Grip is definitely a light wood, had a leather cover falling off & covered with plastic tape, the 'new' antiqued leather flat lace is wound and glued over the wood. Blade was originally a bit tarnished and had rusty spots, so a previous owner polished it. Guard was also refinished & sprayed black. They got it with some other antiques & thought it was a naval cutlass marriage of some sort & not worth much.

I'll look up 'wagon wheel' swords...

Edited - Found some images online, looks nothing like one of those 'wagon wheel' guards/grips. Closest so far is Austro-Hungarian HC used as a model for the UK 1796 HC, tho both those have straight & longer hatchet pointed blades. Haven't found anything like it so far. If you find a 'replica' source, please post it.
So you have made it look modern

I mentioned Neumann, I am not sure if you have his book(s) 'Swords and Blades of the American Revolution' I am hesitant to start posting pages to better describe what I see in your sword. The hilt construction quite like the wagon wheels, cutlasses and other cruder assemblies of the 18th century.

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