Thread: Sword from ?
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Old 14th May 2022, 05:32 PM   #4
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Wayne, this is interesting and crudely follows certain elements of the so called 'disc hilt' cavalry swords, first the M1769 Austrian pallasch (as shown) and the 1796 British heavy cavalry dragoon sword. Gaspard LeMarchant, a British officer who was temporarily posted with Austrian cavalry had thought it a good idea to standardize British cavalry swords, and took the basic design of this disc hilt to create one of the first official British pattern swords.

This rudimentary sword only seems to follow the most distinctive element, the pierced disc, and seems almost theatrical or costume like in its allusion to either of these cavalry swords.

Still, it is intriguing to wonder who would have gone to such effort to create this, which could not possibly have been intended to deceive or be any sort of reproduction.
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