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Old 4th May 2022, 08:06 PM   #8
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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I agree with Will, this is a composite and generated from what appear to be genuine old components, but the grip as noted is obviously new, along with the liner, guard which seldom survive.
The blade is by the numbers correct but not of the period, but well made and either Victorian at best, reasonably modern quite likely. These old 'Scottish' swords (actually British dragoon, which wouldnt have had the red liner but probably buff leather) are much in demand, so the 'renewal' of this is well understood.

The good thing is that these components are likely authentic and placed in a suitable context for display.

As seen on, p.23, "Canadian Journal of Arms Collecting", Vol.7#3, Jan. 1974, p. 88,89, fig. 10, this type hilt is used on these squared lattice dragoon hilts c. 1740+ and these were most commonly assembled in London or Birmingham (Harvey, Dawes, Jeffries, Drury).
The blades were usually backsword (single edge) and from 34-39". While often German blades, there is evidence many of these were made either in Shotley Bridge in the north, or by Harvey himself.

The pommel on this (Mazansky, "British Basket Hilted Swords", 2005, type 11E, is a match and described as a very tall bun. It is seen on a very Scottish looking dragoon hilt c. 1750. It should be noted that hilts put together in these regions by cutlers and outfitters pretty much mixed and matched pommels, though there was obviously a push for consistency. As swords were refurbished in working life, it was not uncommon to have variations like this, or as shops ran out of one form or another supplied by vendors.

In my opinion, as a historian, I prefer swords left in as found state, aside from checking any active corrosion etc. This (illustration 3) is a 'ribbon hilt' that has been static for over 40 years, the grip missing and pretty much a relic hilt but intact. The blade of course is German , Andrea Ferara lettering, note the characteristic broadsword triple fullers center, fluted fullers at forte .
It is mid 17th century, possibly earlier according to some sources (the blade corresponds to Hounslow swords 1640s).

The blade on the similar type guard you posted is more in line with the dragoon swords of 1770's into 90s with a backsword blade (in section) known as 'montmorency form' . The broadsword blade (double edge) was pretty much phased out in early 18th century for dragoon swords, which remained straight blade until end of 1780s, with the advent of light dragoons and later hussars.
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Last edited by Jim McDougall; 4th May 2022 at 08:27 PM.
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