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Old 29th April 2022, 12:55 AM   #7
Anthony G.
Join Date: Mar 2018
Posts: 470

Originally Posted by milandro View Post
that’s nice to know and see Anthony.

What I get from this video is that each one can or may live his or her spirituality or meaning of the kris their own way, the kris is done for good things but it is ultimately the bearer ( I carefully avoided the term “ owner” ) to give the kris his nature.

I find very nice the notion that the art was lost but that it survived if not as skill but as mission in the bloodline of the Pande.

In my mind we all are our ancestors and they survive within us.

Metals were the first artifacts which allowed mankind to shape matter into something different. However one sees (it is in my mind a personal thing) it, this is the first act of transmutation known to mankind (although some cultures see pottery in the same way). Including forms and shapes in the metal increased its mystical form and gave it more meanings. Ultimately one develops his own way to live the kris experience.
Hi there,

Awesome comments.

Nowadays many young Balinese are learning and making keris to earn a living as well as to continue their Balinese keris culture. I found it awesome.

These are a few favorite Balinese keris culture video on youtube. Hope this forum members like it.

Last edited by Anthony G.; 29th April 2022 at 02:11 AM.
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