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Old 26th April 2022, 10:50 PM   #2
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

This is current era dress keris.

It could have been given as a present, in which case we can call it a "presentation" keris, but it was not made for this.

It typical of the bling-bling-blingy dress keris that some Indonesian people would wear.

Blade quality is low, dress quality is only middling, but just the same, it would not have been cheap.

I steer away from the term "tourist keris".

Insofar as keris are concerned this thinking is wildly out of date, about 40 or 50 years out of date, and in any case, the keris that used to be made with travellers in mind do not look anything like this.

Of its type, it is not all that bad, but it is recent (post +/-1990), and it is not good.
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