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Old 23rd April 2022, 05:50 PM   #7
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by shadejoy View Post
David, I'm interested in learning more about those two Kerises you mentioned, if you don't mind sharing. Why or how are they considered powerful ..where are they now and what was the circumstances?
I don't want you to think i am blowing off your question, but rather than spend time pulling quotes from this book i an simply going to strongly suggest that you acquire and read Margaret J. Wiener's "Visible and Invisible Realms : Power, Magic, and Colonial Conquest in Bali". It is seriously one of of the best and most important books i know about understanding the keris, especially as it applies to Bali.I always recommend that anybody with an interest in keris should read this book...probably more than once.
The specific powers of these and other important keris are discussed at some length in this book.
These two keris were among the pajenengan keris that were confiscated by colonial powers after the 1908 Klungkung puputan. Pajenengan keris are those that are inherited by a ruler upon their succession to the throne. They were royal regalia. These keris were promised to be returned to Klungkung and then never were. Where they are today is anyones guess.
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