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Old 23rd April 2022, 03:33 PM   #5
Keris forum moderator
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While i absolutely understand your interest i am not certain there will be much of real interest turning up in this thread. Assuming that you are interested in more than just well know keris, but keris that are well known for esoteric abilities, i am not convinced that keris that have been considered "magickal" or "powerful" get photographed very often. There are indeed numerous named keris that can be found in legend, but where they are today or if they ever really existed is a matter of faith more than fact. Powerful Balinese keris such as Durga Dingkul and Bangawang Canggu that we do know existed were never returned to the Royal House of Klungkung despite promises. Few people had ever even seen these keris blades outside of their sheaths, let alone photographed them. I would think this is probably true of any keris that has ever been considered truly powerful. Where these important Balinese regalia keris are today is still a mystery.
Obviously we can show keris that were created for talismanic or esoteric purposes that are less than famous. Many of us have such keris in our collections. Though personally i have always felt uncomfortable showing such keris in public forums.
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