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Old 22nd April 2022, 08:07 AM   #6
colin henshaw
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 1,429

African spears can often be difficult to attribute (sometimes impossible), however there are a few basic pointers :-

a) Blades with sockets are to be found north of the Zambesi (though there are some exceptions). Tanged spears south of the Zambesi.

b) Incised geometric engraved decoration usually means Islamic influence.

c) Throwing spears tend to longer, lighter and slender. Stabbing spears shorter, with wider blades and more robust.

d) Spears with brass/copper blades or more than one point are normally for prestige, currency, magical/religious use.

e) The diamond shaped brass or copper pieces pined through the shaft as on Tim's spear are typical of spears from northern Nigeria and Cameroon.

As for age - maybe late 19th century to WW2 period ?

Hope this helps.
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