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Old 22nd April 2022, 06:23 AM   #10
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: musorian territory
Posts: 436

Originally Posted by colin henshaw View Post
Here is an image from the internet of a Shompen tribesman holding a spear. The profile of the spearhead looks similar to the Pitt-Rivers example. The Shompen people lived on Great Nicobar Island.
Yes but the shompen don't make them.. The nicrobarese make the steel tools to trade with them.. But I read that currently many tools the nicrobarese have are imported from India as its cheaper.. Its like how you see the andimanese natives using Karen blunt tipped daab blades as the British settled Karen workers from burma there and they may supplyed them originally but now Indians import this style at an even lower price.

In the footage of shompen I've seen they have the same style of Indian made assamese and Burmese styles of ills and dao, the spears maybe locally made but I can't see any good footage of nicrobarese with them or making them.. There is some videos on nicrobarese canoe making and they still do this, there is also a video showing traditional stick dueling.. So they have kept their customs well alive.. I'd be fascinated to see what their traditional blades weapons actually looked like. Considering the achenese had regular trade there you would think there would be some influence
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