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Old 20th April 2022, 04:05 PM   #2
Tim Simmons
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This is most interesting and I am so pleased you have shown it here. I have same thing with some obvious differences, a brass blade. It is also the same size 105cm 1cm longer than yours but lets not get too upset about that , its how you use it that matters I am told. In my opinion these spears are from West Africa and I strongly suspect Nigeria Cameroon border regions.

What pleases me most about this thread is when I offered my spear to the well known auction house tribal art expert who like me {except I saw no reason to find fault with the spear} had not seen another. The expert assured me that it was just something cobbled together which is so easy to say with an heir of knowledgeable superiority, and so of no interest. This happens quite often and dare I say it here too. Until ones sees another example it is just one-upmanship. So the more off standard examples of pieces shown here with an open mind will help us all.
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