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Old 11th April 2022, 10:12 PM   #19
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

You probably did use Tahitian limes David, I don't know of any other kind, I only know of different names for the same kind of limes.

I guess that maybe there are a lot of different kinds of limes, but what I see available where I live are just sold as "limes". Those "just limes" are the same as what we use in Jawa where they are called "jeruk pecel", which I was told years ago by a gardener were the same as "Tahitian limes". They work in waranagan the same way, that I do know.

In my descriptions I've always used the term "Tahitian lime" in order to make very clear that we cannot use lemon, because I have seen mention of lemons used for blade staining, and in my experience lemon simply does not work well at all, it makes the blade far too dark, far too quickly.

There is another kind of lime that is common & that we cannot use for staining:- jeruk perut, only the leaves of this are useful, they get used in cooking. I think jeruk perut is called "kaffir lime" in English.
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