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Old 11th April 2022, 12:21 PM   #11
Join Date: Jan 2022
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 484

It would be very nice that someone would make a video comparing the etching of a kris blad with the sulphur method to a warangan

I don’t have any personal experience with any method but these seem to be the only videos available in English which give any information on the process.

Since there are many questions about etching blades I thought of posting it here.

There are, probably, many ways to do this and I understand from the person whom etches my blades (not connected to the author of the video) that there are different formulations and that they are used for different metals too.

Most people's perspective would change if one may be able to compare this to more (or even less I suspect) orthodox videos in local languages

this (without any words) seems to promote some particular product

this for example explains (apparently) how to overcome the problems from a faded warangan... unfortunately it is is incomprehensible to me

Last edited by milandro; 11th April 2022 at 12:48 PM.
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