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Old 8th April 2022, 09:43 AM   #10
Join Date: Sep 2017
Location: Tyneside. North-East England
Posts: 566
Default Japanning

Hi Rick.
Yes, that is how I thought of Japanning till I set off searching 1600s copper plating and references were often made to Japanning.
As it is well outside my area of experience I accepted it till I began to see more detail about the actual art and realised I was on the wrong track.
As you say, the fire-gilding is called ormolu and is deadly.
With regard to the suggested copper plating of the hilt of my sword, I am now firmly convinced that Raf if correct in ascribing it to 'surface enrichment'.
I know this will horrify dedicated collectors but I am tempted to re-create that look.
Raf mentions lavatory cleanser by which I assume he means Domestos or Clorox bleach... hmm.
It can always be removed, can't it?
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