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Old 6th April 2022, 01:18 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by bathala View Post
- yes not all katipunan members are rich but to suggest all members would be dirt poor would be untrue. I come from one. As a secret society it is really up to you to fund you own weapons and it would be biased to say that my andcestors sword, (s guard)with a spanish mans head with rope tied around the neck is a spanish hand me down. Xas I respect your research, this is just my take as I have documented history and heirlooms from my family. Never in anyway were we alligned with the colonial gov.(because of land grievance) .
Thanks for sharing your lineage, now I understand the motivation for your assertion. Agreed that not all members of the Katipunan were dirt-poor- especially the ones that came from the "premiere" Tagalog provinces during the 1890s (Cavite, Batangas, etc). Your case would be similar to what I categorized in my previous post as #2- sword of a principalia, or upper class that joined or supported the Katipunan. You're fortunate to have such a heirloom and family history!
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