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Old 3rd April 2022, 12:14 AM   #6
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It's a not a Moro blade, but rather a Lumad one, under the Subanen tribe.

They have a number of names for this, but it's commonly known nowadays as "glot." To my knowledge, modern ones are still being made, with the same scabbard, but simple wooden hilts.

The hilt may have been a product of trade with other Mindanao or Sulu locations or tribes, as even the old glot samples have simple wooden hilts. Kino, your old piece must have been a status blade in the tribe.

"Margosatubig" is a municipality in Zamboanga del Sur which is populated by Subanen.

All credit for the information goes to the museum curator of Cagayan de Oro, who is also a Lumad researcher and cultural bearer.

Last edited by xasterix; 3rd April 2022 at 12:24 AM.
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