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Old 30th March 2022, 02:06 AM   #3
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Thanks for posting this!! It IS astounding to see something like this, and compelled to search to learn more. It seems that these Fang masks are kind of a 'holy grail' of African art.
the 'NGIL' masks as this one were worn in ceremonies in the Fang tribes to this secret society, a religious/judicial group who sought and dealt with sorcerers. There is also a key element of ancestor worship .

These elongated, concave face masks, apparently were often destroyed by slave trade proponents, as well as French colonial activity which outlawed these groups, masks etc. by 1920s.

Picasso was intrigued by these, and inspired his 'Tete de Femme" (1908), so the artistic connection as well as the deep spiritual and metaphysical aspects are factors in their being sought.
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