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Old 27th March 2022, 12:03 PM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: musorian territory
Posts: 436
Default casting of sword blades in the 19th century

i have read and had it mentioned on severla occasionas that both steel and white iron guards were cast in solingin in the 19th century and also that whole sword blades for the austrians were cast specifrically the m1869 sabre with its bazaar blade iwht a fuller on one side and asymetrical grinding.
has anyone hever seen any proof of this . it would be a very inferior method to cast the blade it seems crazy. i can belive the guards coudl have been cast in the uk they were forged with a die and punched out.. but in solingen there was many complex casting s of steel already being made int he 50s and 60s. but the blade just sounds bazaar to me
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