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Old 24th March 2022, 11:35 AM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2017
Location: Tyneside. North-East England
Posts: 566
Default Shotley Bridge smallsword

I recently acquired this Shotley Bridge smallsword.
During the six years I have been researching Shotley swordmakers I have only ever seen three (including this one).
The hilts of the other two were also brass but not figured and pierced.
When I was photographing the sword I discovered that the lower surfaces of the hilt were copper plated. At first I assumed the upper surfaces had not been plated and they had achieved a two-tone effect, but closer inspection revealed that some of the upper surfaces in areas un-rubbed were also copper plated.
I believe, back then, they referred to this copper plating as Japanning, and it was vicious process involving the burning of a mercury substrate with consequent poisonous fumes.
In keeping with the copper bindings it is now obvious the entire hilt was copper plated.
Is this a common effect on smallsword hilts?
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