Thread: Shamshir hilts
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Old 23rd March 2022, 08:55 PM   #12
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Join Date: Feb 2018
Posts: 90

Hi dakary! Hate to be the bearer of bad news here, but unfortunately the truth is the "eastern world" really hasn't caught up with the west in terms of available-to-order-online sword production. The fact of the matter is modern sword "pop culture" if you will is way too eurocentric at the moment, so there frankly isn't much demand from most online peoples for "eastern" swords. This, of course, mostly just applies to western, middle eastern, and south asian swords though; it goes without saying there's been east asian sword representation on the market for decades. Even southeast asia has quite a bit of representation nowadays.

This is all to say that you are correct in your perception that you'd need to custom order a sword in order to get a faithful replica. There simply are no "albion's" or "tod culter's" for the islamic world, ready to make 100% historically accurate, battle ready replicas for willing customers - with customization options available! If anything you'd be better off learning smithing yourself and making your own replicas (that's honestly what I'm planning on doing once I'm out of university). I apologize if that all sounds overly snarky, but it really is the truth. There is peserey handicrafts, like you mentioned, and also another swordsmith from Turkey that goes by "kilic_osman_baskurt" on instagram, who is very well known for making high quality replicas, often out of wootz steel. Beyond them, however, I really don't know who I'd go to.
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