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Old 19th March 2022, 11:02 PM   #8
Bob A
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 435

Well, the MACA Timonium show was a great success - still is, since it will run thru tomorrow. The crowd was thronging about, making up for two lost years, There were fewer exhibitors than last time, but the Big Room was packed, and there was spillover into the entrance room, which was not scheduled for tables this time.

It was a pleasure seeing old friends and meeting folks who existed formerly as mere legendary presences on this board. Rsword, CharlesS, Ron Z, Oliver Pinchot and drac2k were at hand, as well as Philip Tom and Eric Farrow. So good to put faces to names. Sadly, Artzi didn't attend this year; Avram and his brother were to have represented the firm, but they were no-shows.

We at MACA were somewhat concerned, as this might have been a make or break affair for the show, what with Maryland's newly-enhanced anti-2A legislation and the question of turnout. From what I observed over the last two days, it will be an ongoing affair.

I really hope more folks from this site will be on hand next year, when travel should be rendered easier and The Plague will have passed into history.

Last edited by Bob A; 20th March 2022 at 12:22 AM.
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