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Old 17th March 2022, 03:43 PM   #1
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Join Date: May 2014
Location: Ireland
Posts: 543
Default Two new South Pacific Spears


I just purchased 3 spears, these 2 all wooden ones they came with a Zulu throwing spear and at the price I paid these 2 came in basically for free as the Zulu one was what I wanted.

Both look like palm wood and they are both just over 6 foot in length and both are definitely old as there are some nice stabilised cracks in the timber from drying out .

The tips are not pointy but this could be just wear and tear from poor storage

The one on the right has a v straight handle with barbs on the top held on with some sort of resin and fibres, I think it is a fishing spear from the Solomon islands region?

The other one has serrations carved into the shaft and some decoration also carved into the haft.
All very rudimentary decoration but v nice to the eye and the shaft is made from a not too straight piece of timber.

Would this also be a fishing one?

Neither look touristy and going on other items in my collection I would think around 100 years old or more for both

So what have I got and from where might they originate any information greatly appreciated.

Regards and happy St Patricks day from Ireland.

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