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Old 16th March 2022, 07:11 AM   #4
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Poole England
Posts: 443
Default Andaman

I worked off the coast of the Andamans for a year in 1981, this was before it was opened up to tourists. We were only allowed there as we were drilling for oil for the Indian National oil company. I did not get to see much onshore as we were only in the airport and surrounds for transfer to a chopper out to the rig. We had quite a few local working with us and they were a friendly bunch. The two interesting things that I do remember were chasing the goats off the runway to allow our plane to land and more relevant was being called to the radio room one evening by our Indian radio operator who was listening ( and translating for us ) to a mayday call from an Indian fishing boat that had run aground and was being attacked by locals with bows and arrows. I cannot remember which Island they were on.

Last edited by Royston; 16th March 2022 at 07:12 AM. Reason: Additional comment
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