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Old 14th March 2022, 10:39 AM   #18
Join Date: Jan 2022
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 484

if it oxidizes brass and if its PH is acid then I don’t see how it would not damage iron.

However a search on internet reveals that Ballistol in very mildly basic (not acid) and if anything neutralizes acidity

and for using ballistol on Brass, there is a report in German

so long immersion or contact on copper or brass is not recomended but that is not the case with a kris (generally)

“...What you can't do with Ballistol and brass
Only if you insert brass in a large amount of Ballistol permanently or at least for a very long time in Ballistol will the brass and Ballistol turn green due to the uninterrupted process of dissolving the copper contained in the brass. This is a so-called copper-ammonia complex in low concentration. In high concentration, this complex would be colored blue.
This means that Ballistol should not be stored in oilers or atomizers that contain brass parts, as this is where Ballistol is usually intended to be stored for a long time.
But that also means that Ballistol can be used excellently for all other applications with brass. For example, Ballistol is used to care for knives, even or especially if they contain brass or bronze. Because Ballistol also has the advantage of being food safe and is therefore used in the food processing industry. You can find out more about this in the Ballistol story...."
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