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Old 13th March 2022, 11:24 PM   #5
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

That dishwash final clean that I'm now using does seem to get rid of any acid residue.

I used to use the bicarb slurry & then thoroughly rinse in warm running water with a toothbrush scrub. This is what I did with damascus ( I made a lot of damascus) after an etch with anything at all.

Then i ran out of bicarb one day and just did the dishwash scrub & rinse, it seemed to be just as effective.

In Solo they never use bicarb after any blade process, and with a blade that might be just a bit dirty dirty and hungry looking, the dishwash scrub is what most people start with.

What I do now works just as well as anything I've done in the past.

In fact, in practice I never just go with any set down process, I look at the thing to be cleaned up and then decide what I'll try first, this can be a soak in oil, soap and water, mineral turps, metho, light acids, hydrochloric acid, just about anything I think might make the object look better. When I write instructions I try to make it as easy to follow as possible. For instance, the very best way to do a full warangan job I don't think I've ever written down and given to anybody, the reason being that it is more than a little bit dangerous.
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