Thread: Arrows
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Old 13th March 2022, 02:18 PM   #13
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 409


Absolutely, I'm not convinced that even the experts are sure. Each point was crafted by an individual napper who had a style and I doubt there was a style book shared by someone during the next era. I have several points were collected in a small garden plot near an 1830 log house in E. Tennessee. They have features that could range from 8,000 BC to 1200 AD. Either this area was a major place of significance or points were collected and reused by the place's inhabitants over an unknown time. The place is less than a mile outside the "taking zone" of the Tennessee Valley Authority's reservoir of Norris Dam and has never been surveyed.

Before the reservoir was flooded in 1934, TVA did an archaeological survey of the area, documented ancient and contemporary settlements, collected artifacts and relocated graves. Their process and report (I have a copy) could be the prototype of all the archaeological surveys & preservations now being done prior to public/private construction works virtually worldwide.

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