First thing i would do is remove that bit of copper wire around the top of the gandar that appears to run under the pendok in the front. If the pendok is not fixed in place that will make removal easier. If it is difficult to remove Alan has given you some good advice.
I would start on the blade by removing the hilt (if that isn't fixed in place) and soaking the blade down well with WD-40. Let it work into the blade for a bit and it will loosen some dirt and rust. You can use an old toothbrush on the blade to loosen dirty further. The blade will probably need some soaking in a mild acid bath of fruit acid or vinegar to clean it properly and you may need to go over it with a pick or awl of some type and a magnifying glass to really clean it up completely. There are some other options to warangan that have been discussed on this forum in the past you could consider if arsenic is not an option. Or you could just oil it once cleaned and not stain it at all. Either way it will look better than it does now.